AR for Everyone enables  Augmented/Mixed/Virtual Reality from the simplest to the most sophisticated.

We are excited to share this innovative, multi-purpose,
 Smart Phone headset for both true AR and VR
 and to prove it is the best $25 AR/VR headset available.
  Our innovative optics and technology cushions the Smart Phone
 close to the forehead, minimizing the forces;
 and enables full screen, high resolution NetFlix and 2D Games,
 while enabling adjustable offset, stereoscopic Virtual Reality

With Holodeck AR4E, real world games and interactions are safe
 and free of disorienting artifacts.  AR4 is not only the perfect entry point
 at the best possible price - a low-cost, easy to use, foldable,
 and lightweight head-mounted display enabling AR/VR
 wherever you are, but also the most cost-effective, productive,
 multi-modal educational, STEM, programmers and makers tool

Our Back-to-School STEM Special
Offers 8 Headset Kits for $75
(shipping & taxes included)



for more information, contact: